Sacred 2:Philios

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icon13.gif NOTE: The contents of this page are exclusive content found only by installing the player-made mega-mod Diablo 2 Fallen.


Philios Icon.png The First Paladin (Exclusive Light Path)

Bold, powerful and beloved by angels. He could communicate with Heaven itself via the holy artifact known as the Sightless Eye.

Divine Gift

Philios casts a blessed circle around the hero which annuls all enemy spells and fills most with a righteous terror which causes them to repent their evil ways and flee. Those who refuse to repent and remain within the magic circle are destroyed.

His book

There is an in-game book that describes the legends and beliefs about Philios. This book is entitled Lore of the Nephalem, Book 4: Philios - the First Paladin.


  • Statues of Philios can be found all over Ancaria. Praying near them helps the characters to partially regenerate his Divine Gift - Redemption.

His Followers

  • Philios's followers can be found in many regions of Ancaria. He is especially respected by paladins and the angels. Temples and shrines dedicated to Philios can be found in any place holy warriors inhabited, be it the Seraphim Island in the Dragon Sea or the Seraphim Valley in western Tyr Lysia.
  • Philios Priests take part in many events that happen in the world of Ancaria. They try to protect the people and to help the ones in need. No wonder that the characters who follow the Path of Light would encounter the Priests in their travels. The adventurers may encounter Philios Priest Benewion in the Noriath Temple and Philios Priest Edoras in Thylysium and take part in their missions.

God Quests

There are several quests in game that are dedicated to the player character's chosen Deity. The ones dedicated to Philios are:
