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There are eight different character classes available for play in Sacred. Each of them has unique abilities, strengths and weaknesses. Study their descriptions below to learn which type is most suited to your playing style, or try them all - your character storage contains eight spaces - just enough!

Character Basics

Characters and Equipment

Characters in Sacred are capable of carrying weapons and shields, wearing various pieces of armor and also can wear certain jewelry - amulets and rings. Depending upon your character level, multiple weapons and/or shields may be readied for quick use by placing them in your available Weapon Slots. Every character begins with a single slot, and gains an additional slot at levels 2, 8, 16 and 30. Simply using the number keys 1-5 quickly switches among these.

In addition to equipment that is in use, and to that in the inactive Weapon Slots, each character is equipped with a backpack for temporary stowing of items not of immediate need. The backpack is always available for inspection, permitting the ability to exchange items in use with those stowed. This does, however, consume some time and is not recommended while in battle! Another larger storage area is the character's Chest, which is located in every village, town or city in Ancaria or Underworld. All items placed into any chest are available at all of the chest locations. Runes and potions are also carried in the backpack or stored in the chest.

Characters and Skills

Every character begins with two Skills, and learns up to six more as they progress. Additional skills are available for "learning" at levels 3, 6, 12, 20, 30 and 50. Skills become available to different character classes at different levels. For every character class, there are skills that will not be available. Each skill supplies differing benefits to the character. Choose wisely, as once chosen, they cannot be un-learned.

Prior to the Sacred:Underworld Expansion pack, the starting skills were fixed. However, the Underworld expansion pack made it possible to change the starting skills (to any two of the skills that are avaliable to the character at level 3) for new characters. This is done by changing a line in the Configuration File Settings.cfg change the DEFAULT_SKILLS line from 1 to 0 & then start a new character.

Characters and Attributes

There are six attributes shared by all characters. Each character class has a different set of initial values for these. As characters progress, each attribute is increased by 10% of the initial value for each level the character gains. One additional point, to be placed wherever a player chooses, is available for each level as well. Each attribute affects many variables regarding a characters abilities - some regarding health and physical well being while others affect attacking ability and yet others affect defensive values. Learn the benefits of each, it could be the difference between survival and death.

Characters and Statistics

Stastics about your character can be found in your Log Book. To open your characters Log Book push the L key or click the Log Book icon found near the bottom center of the screen that has a book shape. Clicking on the right most tab of the Log Book will show your Character statistics. The information you will find is:

  • Playing Time: The amount of time you have played the character.
  • World Discovered: The percent of Ancaria you have explored.
  • Opponents Defeated: The number of enemies you have killed.
  • Resurections: Number of times the character has died/resurected. This would apply to Soft Core characters which can die and be resurrected. Hard Core characters would have no use of this since they can not be resurrected.
  • Game History: This is a line graph of your progress regarding Defend, AW and Gold.
  • Most Recent opponents: This shows various statistics of the last 10 enemies you have killed. The lvl of the enemy, it's total Hit Points, It's chance to be hit/It's chance to hit you, it's damage ad it's total resistance can be seen here.
  • Most Frequent Opponents: This shows up to 4 types of enemies that you've killed most. This indicates the highest lvl of its kind you have killed, your chance to hit/it's chance to hit and how many of the type of enemy you have killed.







