Sacred 2:Soul Hammer

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Sera_1.gif A focused, forceful weapon attack against a single target.

This is a Weapon Damage Based Combat Art.


Sera_AspS_01.png - Exalted Warrior

Innate Abilities (Lvl 1) Physical.png


See also: Sacred 2:Combat Art Modifications
MODicons_12.gif Bronze

MODicons_10.gif Silver
  • Battering - Temporarily reduces the target's armor class. (Opponent's Armor: Physical ~50.4% reduction at CA level 1, ~64% reduction at CA level 50, ~71.4% reduction at CA level 100)
  • Disarm - Chance to dislodge the weapon from the opponent's hand. (25% + 0.5% per Combat Art level chance)

MODicons_08.gif Gold
  • Incision - Chance to inflict a deep wound. (25% + 0.5% per Combat Art level chance)
  • Coup de Grace - Inflict twice as much damage when the opponent's health has fallen below a threshold value. (Opponent Level for Deathblow; threshold is 25% + 0.5% per Combat Art level of max life)
Soul Hammer without Modifications

Skills and Attributes

The following skills will affect this combat art:

  • Any weapon lore (such as Sword Weapons when the Seraphim is wielding a sword) - will indirectly increase this combat art's execution speed, damage and chance to hit, and will allow the equippng of higher level weapons used to execute this combat art.
  • Combat Discipline - will increase the damage of this combat art and lower its regeneration time if it is placed in a combo. This increase in damage is direct; it increases the +xx% that the CA adds to base damage.
  • Speed Lore - will increase its chance to hit indirectly by increasing a player's attack rating.

The following attributes will affect this combat art:

  • Strength will increase damage for melee weapons, and chance to hit
  • Dexterity will increase damage for ranged weapons (and some melee weapons), and chance to hit
  • Stamina will lower regeneration time

Usage Strategies

  • This combat art is often used as boss killer move, but can also be used as a main attack.
  • The modifications Aim, Battering, and Coup de Grace make Soul Hammer a very good finishing move to a fight.
  • The modifications Wounding, Battering, and Incision make Soul Hammer a very good opening move to a fight.
  • When dual wielding weapons, Soul Hammer hits twice, but the damage of both hits is based purely on the damage and damage types present on the main hand weapon. Despite visually striking with both weapons, the off-hand weapon is not used besides just adding the additional hit. So make sure that you have your highest damage one in the right (main) hand.

Pros and Cons


  • Very effective to take out a single target
  • Very good boss killing move
  • Hits twice when dual wielding
  • The Battering mod offers the highest physical armor reduction in the game.


  • Requires a weapon
  • As a weapon based combat art, it can miss
  • Only a single target attack

Stats Chart

  • Duration (which?) is 1.5 + 0.01*CA-Lvl.
  • Weapon damage multiplier is 1.25 + 0.005*CA-Lvl.
  • Damage modifier is increased by 40 + 10*CA-Lvl percentage points.

See Also


Fist Weapons