Sacred 2:Caelach
In Caelach you can find the below services. See Map Icons:
Caelach is an island off the eastern shore of Dyr Lain in the Jade Sea. Considering it's remote location and lack of quests or any other points of interest, you won't have much of a reason to visit the isle unless working on your Map Explored percentage
Locate Caelach on the Ancaria Interactive Map
Quests & NPC's
From the Dyr-Laigh portal head south along the path until you reach the Brigand Camp. Then head east til you reach the shoreline and then south again along the beach. You'll find some shallows that go east over to the island of Girvym. Cross over to Girvym heading east along south side of island. Eventually you'll find a bridge leading southward to Caelach.
From Aerendyr head northeast over the the 2 bridges and then head east. Once you reach the shoreline head north along the coast. You'll find some shallows that go east over to the island of Girvym. Cross over to Girvym heading east along south side of island. Eventually you'll find a bridge leading southward to Caelach.
Mostly Fire Flowers, Leaping Plants and Snappers are found on the island
Interesting Photos
Waterfront Property
Dormant Volcano ?