Sacred:The Nuk-Nuk
The Nuk-Nuk
The Garema are a people who were deceived by Anducar and convinced to revolt against their ruler. Anducar led them into meaningless battles where they obliterated themselves. The end of the Garema was wrought entirely by Anducar, transforming the last of the Garema into one of his Demon Lords. After the sounds of the final battle ceased, the Dryads embalmed the fallen Garema and buried them within the walls of their old city; yet the rest of the dead did not last — such was their untimely and hateful departure from this world that the embalmed Garema rose from the dead.
The undead Garema have forgotten who and what they once were, and now call themselves Nuk-Nuk. The long duration of their deaths has filled them with abject hatred. Despite the stiffness of their limbs and the decay of their eyes, ears and noses, the Nuk-Nuk are agile and dangerous. Signs of ancient cultures surround them, yet their only aim is to annihilate everything alive. A right and just vengeance for the premature ending of their own mortal existence.
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