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Thorwyn is a character mentioned in one of the Books, the book is called Diary and says the following:

We lost Thorwyn about a week ago. He was so eager to head for the troops of Prince Morgast that he left without us. He now rests at the foot of a tree, planted in his memory. May he find his peace. The grave inscription should help the poor dwarf settle. He always wanted: 'Thorwyn is no dwarf!'

Thorwyn's Tomb

Thorwyn's Tomb

Thorwyn's Epitaph

Although the Diary mentions that Thorwyn's wanted a specific epitaph, he didn't get what he wanted.

  • In German: "And Thorwyn said: 'While you hesitate, I am already moving forward!'".
  • In English: "Here lies Crackseed after making fun of a certain Admin".
  • In Spanish and Russian: "For our fathers".


There are other items that references Thorwyn:

Thorwyn's name is a reference to the dwarf Thorin from The Hobbit.