Sacred 2:Tavern Lakeview
In Tavern Lakeview you can find the below services. See Map Icons:
Tavern Lakeview is located on the shore of the Bottomless Lake in northeastern Artamark. You will find stairs leading downward behind the tavern that provide access to Crag Rock.
Locate Tavern Lakeview on the Ancaria Interactive Map
Quests & NPC's
There is a ship and a monilith at Artamark's Gate, head east. There is also a monolith at Skook's Corner, head northeast.
The closest portal is at Griffinborough. Head north from town.
It's a long walk no matter where you start from, so make sure you're stocked up with any potions etc that you'll need.
The are no enemies near the tavern but you will have to traverse through Whisperwood to get there. That means lots of Energy Beings (Ghosts)
Interesting Photos
Entrance to Crag Rock
This location is referred to as the Ocean View Tavern by Militia Captain Gabelte in The Retreat Area portion of the A New Hope chain quest. As there are substantial mountains in the way, there is no way anyone can actually see the ocean from this location.
The signpost at the crossroads approaching the tavern and the lake calls the tavern by it's proper name.