Sacred 2:Bottomless Lake
In Bottomless Lake you can find the below services. See Map Icons:
Located in the northeast corner of Artamark, south of the entrance to the Crag Rock valley, Bottomless Lake was once a peaceful retreat. But as the marauding Thraconians have invaded the region, it has become a refuge for the residents of the area.
Locate Bottomless Lake on the Ancaria Interactive Map
Quests & NPC's
Lady Mirwiell: Involved in the Lady Mirwiell quest and the quest called A New Hope which are part of the chain quest also called A New Hope
Monoliths: Artamark's Gate and head east or use Skook's Corner and head northeast
Portal: Closest portal is at Griffinborough. Head north from town
It's a long walk no matter the starting point with little, if any support (merchants), so be sure to stock up with plenty of supplies that may be needed.
There are no enemies at the lake, however, there are numerous ghost wolves, human ghosts, ghost bears, and Thraconians in the surrounding region.
Interesting Photos
Old Tavern by Lake
Gone Fishin'
- The chain quest and the final quest of the chain, both called "A New Hope" are Easter Eggs - as it shares the title with Star Wars IV: A New Hope.