Sacred 2:Twainbrook
In Twainbrook you can find the below services. See Map Icons:
Twainbrook is a medium sized village North from Sloeford. It has all the services normally found in a big town, such as merchants, runemasters and blacksmiths, as well as a big inn and a cemetery in the outskirts.
Sometimes the kobolds annoy the people in the village, but High Elf soldiers usually manage to keep them out of the town.
Locate Twainbrook on the Ancaria Interactive Map
Quests & NPC's
- Advisor Voralian: Questgiver for The Advisor's Career Plans quest. Shadow path only.
- Cleaner Marolen: Involved in the Children and Demons II quest.
- Elodriel: Involved in the Children and Demons quest. Also involved in the Children and Demons II quest.
- Little Girl: Quest giver for the Children and Demons II quest.
- Overseer Deromar: Involved in the Children and Demons II quest.
- Paperboy: Involved in the Corn Circles quest.
- Melantion: Quest giver for the Let's Have a Drink quest.
- Ralion: Involved in the Children and Demons II quest.
- Timoch the Innkeeper: Quest giver for The Tortured Soul quest. Light path only.
- Tutorial quest Burn Skeletons Burn!
There is a monolith in the village near the main square, which can be used to quickly transport to Twainbrook.
The village is Northeast from Sloeford, and can be reached by walking in a quite long but affordable journey.
Kobolds are the most usual enemies you can find near the Twainbrook village, but if the nearby woods are visited the player may find also some Wild Boars there.
Interesting Photos
The town inn
Some houses
The merchant's post
Small house and a mansion behind
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Twainbrook Cemetery map
Twainbrook Cemetery