Sacred:Game Difficulty

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Game Difficulty

Sacred provides five different levels of difficulty for game play. These are named for various metals.

In Singleplayer, new characters and exported character can always start a new campaign in bronze or silver. To start a singleplayer campaign in a higher difficulty level you need to export that character near the end of the campaign (either Ancaria's campaign or Underworld campaign), the game will tell you when.

In Multiplayer games, the following apply to enter a server:

  Game Difficulty   Minimum Level to Enter   Maximum Level to Enter
  Bronze   1   60
  Silver   20   100
  Gold   60   140
  Platinum   100   180
  Niobium   140   No maximum

If you exceed the maximum level while inside a server, you will not be kicked, you will simply not be able to re-enter after disconnecting.

You can get around the level restriction if you are the server owner, to do this create the server outside of the game at a difficulty level that you can enter, then join the server but do not press start game, after that change the server settings by changing the level, and finally press start game.

The Game Difficulty affects:

  • The level of the enemies.
  • The quality of Items that are dropped. The inherent statistics and benefits for items are improved in higher game settings.
  • The value of sets bonuses.
  • The bonuses that the blacksmith can socket.
  • The size of the potions.